张子杰,1991年出生于云南昭通,本科曾就读于复旦大学生物科学专业,后转入美国凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)取得系统生物学理学学士。其后进入芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)遗传,基因组和系统生物学项目攻读博士,师从著名化学生物学家何川教授以及统计遗传学家陈梦洁、贺信和 Matthew Stephens教授。其间研究内容主要涉及运用分子生物学、基因组学和统计遗传学等交叉学科的方法研究RNA甲基化调控基因表达的机制及其在疾病中的贡献。他的工作包括开发了首个支持复杂实验设计的 m6A-MeRIP-seq统计分析工具,并将其运用于糖尿病等疾病样品的表观转录组分析,解析了RNA修饰变异对相关疾病的贡献。此外,他首次将遗传学数量性状定位(molecular QTL)的方法用于m6A调控基因表达机制的研究,不仅开辟了全新的研究RNA修饰的方法,也为解析全基因组关联分析(GWAS)结果的分子机制提供了新的角度。
张子杰于2021年加入bv伟德国际体育官方网站生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,任研究员,课题组长。目前已在Nature Genetics、Nature Metabolism、Genome Biology等期刊发表论文18篇;其中一作或共同一作论文5篇(累计影响因子=90),合作者论文13篇(累计影响因子=182)。其工作解答了一系列围绕mRNA上m6A修饰的基础科学问题,并且开发了一系列可用于大规模RNA甲基化组分析的统计分析工具,为研究RNA表观遗传在复杂形状中的作用奠定了基础。
2021至今 bv伟德国际体育官方网站生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室 系统生物学团队 研究员,课题组长
2020-2020 Chuan He(何川)实验室,博士后 芝加哥大学化学系:RNA 修饰及表观遗传方向
2015-2020 Chuan He(何川)实验室及 Mengjie Chen(陈梦洁)实验室,博士研究生
芝加哥大学化学系:RNA 修饰及表观遗传方向
2012-2014 Dianiel I. Simon 实验室,研究助理 • 凯斯西储大学心脏病研究所:动脉硬化分子机理方向
2010-2012 Guangbin Luo(罗广斌)实验室,研究助理 • 凯斯西储大学遗传系:喜树碱染色体毒性机理方向
• 刊物影响因子为最新公布的 2019 年度 SCI 影响因子。
1.Wang Y, Zhang Z-J, Sepich-Poore C, Zhang L, Xiao Y, He C. LEAD-m6A-seq for LocusffSpecific Detection of N6 -Methyladenosine and Quantification of Differential Methylation. Angewandte Chemie Internationl Edition 2020. (Impact Factor = 12.9)
2.Zhang Z-J#, Luo K#, Zou Z, Qiu M, Tian J, Sieh L, Shi H, Zou Y, Wang G, Morrison J, Zhu C A, Qiao M,Li Z, Stephens M, He X, He C. Genetic analyses support the contribution of mRNA N6 -methyladenosine (m6A)modification to human disease heritability. Nature Genetics 2020. (Impact Factor = 27.6)
3.Lu M#, Zhang Z-J#, Xue M, Zhao BS, Harder O, Li A, Liang X, Gao TZ, Xu Y, Zhou J, Feng Z, Niewiesk S,Peeples ME, He C, Li J. N6 -methyladenosine modification enables viral RNA to escape recognition by RNA sensor RIG-I. Nature Microbiology. 2020, 5:584–598 (共同一作)(Impact Factor = 15.5)
4.Zhang Z-J, Zhan Q, Eckert M, Zhu A, Chryplewicz A, De Jesus DF, Ren D, Kulkarni RN, Lengyel E, He C,Chen M. RADAR: differential analysis of MeRIP-seq data with a random effect mode. Genome Biology. 2019,20(1):294. (Impact Factor = 10.8)
5.Rauch S, He E, Srienc M, Zhou H, Zhang Z-J, Dickinson BC. Programmable RNA-Guided RNA Effector Proteins Built from Human Parts. Cell 2019;178(1):122–134.e12. (Impact Factor = 38.6)
6.Zhou H, Rauch S, Dai Q, Cui X, Zhang Z-J, Nachtergaele S, Sepich C, He C, Dickinson BC. Evolution of a reverse transcriptase to map N1 -methyladenosine in human messenger RNA. Nature Methods 2019, 16:1281-1288. (Impact Factor = 30.8)
7.Xue M, Zhao BS, Zhang Z-J, Lu M, Harder O, Chen P, Lu Z, Li A, Ma Y, Xu Y, Liang X, Zhou J, Niewiesk S, Peeples ME, He C, Li J. Viral N6 -methyladenosine upregulates replication and pathogenesis of human respiratory syncytial virus. Nature Communications 2019, 10:4595. (Impact Factor = 12.1)
8.De Jesus DF#, Zhang Z-J#, Kahraman S#, Brown NK, Chen M, Hu J, Gupta MK, He C*, Kulkarni RN*.m6A mRNA methylation regulates human β-cell biology in physiological states and in type 2 diabetes. NatureMetabolism 2019, 1:765–774 (共同一作)(Impact Factor = 本文为该新杂志首刊,暂无影响因子)
9.Zhang Z, Chen L-Q, Zhao Y-L, Yang C-G, Roundtree IA, Zhang Z-J, Ren J, Xie W, He C, Luo G-Z. Single-basemapping of m6A by an antibody-independent method. Science Advances 2019, 5:eaax0250. (Impact Factor =13.1)
10.Zhang LS, Liu C, Ma H, Dai Q, Sun HL, Luo G, Zhang Z-J, Zhang L, Hu L, Dong X, He C. Transcriptome-wide Mapping of Internal N7 -Methylguanosine Methylome in Mammalian mRNA. Molecular Cell. 2019, 17(6): 1304-1316.e8 (Impact Factor = 15.6)
11.Huang Y, Su R, Sheng Y, Dong L, Dong Z, Xu H, Ni T, Zhang S Z-J, Zhang T, Li C, Han L, Zhu Z, Lian F, Wei J, Deng Q, Wang Y, Wunderlich M, Gao Z, Pan G, Zhong D, Zhou H, Zhang N, Gan J, Jiang H, Mulloy JC, Qian Z, Chen J, Yang CG. Small-molecule targeting of oncogenic FTO demethylase in acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2019, 35(4):677-691 (Impact Factor = 26.6)
12.Luo GZ, Hao Z, Luo L, Shen M, Sparvoli D, Zheng Y, Zhang Z-J, Weng X, Chen K, Cui Q, Turkewitz AP, He C. N6 -methyldeoxyadenosine directs nucleosome positioning in Tetrahymena DNA. Genome Biology 2018, 19:200.(Impact Factor = 10.8)
13.Fei Yan#, Aref Al-Kali#, Zhang Z-J#, Jun Liu, Jiuxia Pang, Na Zhao, Chuan He, Mark R. Litzow, Shujun Liu. A Dynamic mRNA N6-Methyladenosine Methylome Regulates Acquired Resistance to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors. Cell Research. 2018, 28(11): 1062–1076 (共同一作) (Impact Factor = 20.5)
14.Roundtree IA, Luo G-Z, Zhang Z-J, Wang X, Zhou T, Cui Y, Sha J, Huang X, Guerrero L, Xie P, et al. YTHDC1mediates nuclear export of N6 -methyladenosine methylated mRNAs. eLife 2017, 6:e31311.(Impact Factor = 7.1)
15.Montefiori L, Hernandez L, Zhang Z-J, Gilad Y, Ober C, Crawford G, Nobrega M, Jo Sakabe N. Reducing mitochondrial reads in ATAC-seq using CRISPR/Cas9. Scientific Reports 2017, 7:2451. (Impact Factor = 4.0)
16.Wang Y, Fang C, Gao H, Bilodeau ML, Zhang Z-J, Croce K, Liu S, Morooka T, Sakuma M, Nakajima K, YonedaS, Shi C, Zidar D, Andre P, Stephens G, Silverstein RL, Hogg N, Schmaier AH, and Simon DI. Platelet-Derived Myeloid Related Protein-14 (S100A9) Regulates Thrombosis. J. Clin. Invest. 2014 (Impact Factor = 11.9)
联系方式: zijiezhang@ynu.edu.cn